Full service for large medical devices

Press, Road Services, 12. June 2024

The Geis Group is now also taking on the construction of HF cabins in medical facilities. In these rooms, which are shielded against high-frequency (HF) radiation, magnetic resonance tomographs (MRTs) are safely protected from external influences.

Whether MRIs, computer tomographs or angiography devices: at Geis, we have been offering our customers a comprehensive service for large medical devices since 2011. This ranges from collection from the manufacturer with specially equipped trucks and interim storage with demand-orientated cooling through to precise installation on site. Our experienced teams perform millimetre precision work during installation and avoid any shocks to the sensitive high-tech equipment. Specially trained Geis technicians then assemble, wire and panel the devices.

With our new cabin construction service, we are now going one step further. "Before we install an MRI in a medical facility, we calculate the optimum high-frequency shielding and customise the solution precisely to the respective requirements and structural conditions," explains Sebastian Seehofer, Branch Manager at Geis in Erlangen-Frauenaurach. "Our customers therefore benefit from an uncomplicated, customised all-inclusive service from a single source."

Our customers therefore benefit from an uncomplicated, customised all-inclusive service from a single source.

Sebastian Seehofer, Branch Manager at Geis in Erlangen-Frauenaurach


Such full-service solutions are offered by Geis throughout Europe. Geis experts are even deployed worldwide for assembly and installation.

A detailed video from the Geis Group illustrates the exact process of a cabin construction project: