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The packaging logistics is a highly specialised service. We set the highest standards for export packaging in order to bring your goods securely and undamaged to destination. For sensitive high-tech goods, irreplaceable plastic items and entire production plants our experts develop and produce top quality special and transport packaging.
With transport packaging there is hardly any weight or size restrictions. For particularly heavy or large objects mobile teams pick up the package directly at your location. This way our solutions always remain flexible and tailor-made for you.
Whether industrial packaging, hazardous goods packaging or seaworthy packaging: At Geis, you receive all packaging services for a single source. We offer packaging logistics as complete package - from conception to package material procurement to execution. You too can transport your goods with the export packaging from Geis.
We have standardised and individual solutions for all requirements in the area of special and export packaging. On site at customer location or in our packaging centres.
Sebastian Hoffmann, Location Manager, Packaging Operation Geis Industrie-Service GmbH